Dr Nadia Azar joins Karim Kanji and Gregg Tilston on the show.

We discuss;

What first got Dr. Nadia interested in studying drummers?

Overall goal is to deliver to drummers what sport science is doing for athletes.

Most common drumming injuries?

What has she learned from the 800 drummers she’s interviewed, surveyed, and studied.

Looking at Danny Miles and Jeff Burrow’s data by song, are there differences between a speed metal drummer versus a laid back drummer?

Grant from the GRAMMYs to study this and chasing funding to continue her research!

Dr. Nadia has done follow up studies with Chuck Comeau from Simple Plan. What did you find? Is he playing differently? 

Neil Peart would talk about playing RUSH songs with full out intensity. Is there such a thing as playing more efficiently? Or safer? Or is it about movement?

Has she studied the impact of equipment?

Can the learnings of her studies be leveraged for the average person?

How did the Pandemic impact Dr. Nadia’s research?

What’s Next for DRUMMER Lab.

Dr. Nadia Azar’s current research has her combining her roots in occupational biomechanics and neurophysiology with her love of music to study drummers. The drum set is arguably the most physically intense instrument to play, which leads to lots of interesting questions about drummers’ athleticism, performance, and injuries.

Her overall goal is to do for drummers what sport science is doing for athletes: She wants to help them achieve their peak performance while reducing their risk of injuries.